B.P. Chaliha College, Nagarbera has established the Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) in the year 1995 to provide life skills to students and make them efficient to cope with the competitive job market. The centre was primarily initiated by Dr. B. B. Panda, the former teacher of the department of Education, former Counselling Officer as well as the former Principal of the college. The same conception is being continuing with the active inspiration and guidance of Dr. K. C. Pathak, the present Principal of the college. In the past days till August 2021, Mr. Abdul Jabbar, Associate Professor, Dept. of English handled the centre as Counselling Officer. Now, from 20th September, 2021 Dr. Trailokya Deka, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics is taking charge as the Counselling Officer of the centre. Principal, Dr. K. C. Pathak is the Chairperson of the centre. Along with two Assistant Counselling officers and three members the centre is working actively to help the students in need. With the help of administration, dear students and respected faculty members of the college the centre is working continuously for the benefit of students and the neighbouring community as a whole. To keep pace with the present stiff competition, the centre has been undertaking several measures like workshop, popular talk, seminars, mock interviews, soft skill trainings, awareness programmes, personality development, and enhancement of leadership skills among the students. The centre has invited different distinguished personalities from different fields to enhance the measures undertaken. In the midst of working, it is true that the pandemic Covid-19 has restricted the workings of the centre. But afterwards the centre is picking up it's activities again. Initially, centre preferred to organise only annual orientation programmes for the newly admitted students of the college but afterwards (June 2022) it has organised even national seminar for the benefit of academic community as a whole. The Centre offers guidance in higher education and other career opportunities apart from conducting usual counselling programmes. Periodic interaction programmes with professional career counsellors are organised to provide opportunities for exchange of ideas in respective fields. Students are encouraged to talk about their career-ambitions and the challenges they face in day today life. Centre also regularly displays various emerging job opportunities or any other career related information through display boards.
Objectives of the Centre:
1. To share information about various career opportunities useful for the present, future and past students of the college.
2. To create awareness about various rural development programmes of the government.
3. To provide information regarding various courses of study and competitive exams so that the students can take lead in the state or the country as a whole. and
4. To provide general career counselling so that the mental and physical strength of the students increases a lot.
Strength of the Centre:
1. Good relation with different supportive neighbouring agencies like Assam Agriculture University (Mandira, Hekra branch), ICSSR-NERC, IIE, Guwahati, MSME, Gauhati
University and all the neighbouring colleges.
2. Networking with various career counsellors.
3. Growing response both from local community as well as the students from inside and outside of the college.
Weakness of the centre:
1. Lack of sufficient formally trained staff.
2. Lack of sufficient infrastructure including a hall of study.
Opportunities of the centre:
1. Upgrading the centre into a placement cell and help the people of rural areas.
2. Establishing extension centres in surrounding areas.
From 1995 onwards the centre has been organizing rigorous counselling measures in close support of skilled as well as non-skilled career counsellors. In addition to frequent mock interviews, personality development classes are also conducted to familiarize the students with practical interview processes. Wherever are possible free study materials are also supply to students depending on needs.
The CGIC remains open from Monday to Saturday for four hours daily. Centre is equipped with computer, internet facility and sufficient study materials. Competitive examination books, text books, magazines, model question papers, newspapers etc. are
available in the centre. Newspaper cuttings, advertisements about job-opportunity and information brochures of different institutes are also regularly pasted on the notice board to apprise the students regarding various admissions and job prospects. Thus, CGIC of B.P. Chaliha College, Nagarbera provide academic support, personal support and psycho-social support to all the needy students of the college and neighbouring areas. It conducts one to one and group discussions with the students to clear their doubts and instill confidence in them.
Orientation Programme, 2024-2025 for HS 1st year Arts and Science students of the college was organised by the CGIC in association with NEP Cell on dated 13th August 2024 at 11 AM at Hall No.4. The programme was presided over by Dr. Kamal Chandra Pathak, Principal. In his lecture, Dr. Pathak has explained different academic, administrative and disciplinary issues those need to be remembered and maintained by the students of the college. B. Barman, Assistant Professor has delivered fruitful lecture for the benefit of students. Dr. Trailokya Deka, Convener of CGIC and NEP has elaborated various topics including the activities of different clubs and cells, online and e-learning, Swayam learning etc. Along with a few faculty members all together 190 numbers of students were present.
Orientation Programme, 2024-2025 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st semester students was organised by the CGIC in association with NEP Cell of the college on dated 9th August 2024 at 11 AM at Hall No.4. The programme was presided over by Dr. Kamal Chandra Pathak, Principal of the college. In his lecture, Dr. Pathak has explained different academic and administrative issues that need to be followed by the newly admitted students of the college. Arun Kr. Sarkar, Co-ordinator, IQAC, A. Keot, B. Barman and J. N. Talukder have all delivered fruitful lectures for the benefit of UG level students of the college. Dr. Trailokya Deka, Convener has elaborated various topics including NEP led course combinations, regarding clubs and cells, online and e-learning, etc. All together 319 students were present.
The Orientation Programme organized by the Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) for the session 2023-24 was held on 24/08/2023 at Room No.4 of the College. The programme was presided over by Sir B.K. Borah, Associate Prof. Dept. of Physics of the College. Madam A. Keot, Associate Prof. Dept. of Geography, Sir A. Jubbar, Associate Prof. Dept. of English and Madam R. Baishya, Librarian of the college have attended the programme as invited speaker. All HS 1st year, BA/B,Sc and B.Com. 1st Semester newly admitted students of the college were actively participated in the programme.
The Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) under leadership of Dr. K. C. Pathak, Principal, B.P. Chaliha College, Nagarbera has organized the unique online event ‘All Assam Inter College UG level Success Story Writing Competition’ in the month of July-August, 2023. This competition was held among the Under Graduate level students studying in different Colleges or Universities or in any Institution of higher education in Assam. Students across the districts of the state and also from New Delhi have participated in the competition. Target is to bring the selected student/s with special success qualities who maintains along with their regular studies. Trophy, Cash prize and Certificates were distributed among the successful students. Certificates of participation was also distribut
The Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) of the College regularly discuss career puzzles and opportunities among the needy students of the college. It already discussed and solved several academic issues of HS and UG level students. Students get routine based services from Monday to Saturday of the week. Respected members of the Centre provide valuable services to the needy students on regular basis.
A one-day workshop on the topic �Soft Skills, Life Skills and Employability� was organized by the Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) at the Seminar Hall of the college on 28th March 2023. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. K. C. Pathak, Principal, B.P. Chaliha College, Nagarbera. Dr. A. Hujuri, Coordinator, IQAC delivered her lecture on the importance of Skills during the ensuing NAAC assessment of the college. Counseling Officer of CGIC Dr. T. Deka stated the objective and anchored the programme. The resource persons Prof. A. Jubbar, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Prof. A. Keot, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography and Prof. C. Kalita, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce elaborated on Soft skills, Life Skills and Employability Skills
The book titled �Career Opportunities in Humanities and Social Sciences: A Research Based Composition� published by the Career Guidance and Information Centre (CGIC) of B. P. Chaliha College, Nagarbera (Kamrup) Assam on the occasion of Golden Jubilee year celebration of the college. It has been released in an open meeting held on 5th February 2023. The book is dedicated to the great persons/souls who have established or contributed to establish the college in 1972. The book has been released by Prof. Dr. Kulendu Pathak, Retired Vice-chancellor of Dibrugarh University; Dr. Bhaben Kalita, Retired Professor (Emeritus) of Gauhati University; Prof. Dr. N R Roy of Tezpur University; Mr. Apurba Thakuria, I S of Kamrup District; Dr. Kamal Ch. Pathak, Principal.
The CGIC of BPCC has organised the orientation programme, session 2022-2023 for all the newly admitted students of HS 1st year (Arts and Science) along with BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st semester classes on dated 13/08/2022. The programme was held at Hall No. 4 after the class timings in the afternoon hours.
Two days ICSSR-NERC sponsored national seminar on the topic �Quest for Career Opportunities in Humanities and Social Science Study: Problems and Prospects of North East India� was held on 9th and 10th June 2022. Dr. Neelotpal Deka, Journalist, Writer, Advocate, Gauhati High Court, Guwahati delivered a thought provoking speech on the topic �the scope of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Northeast India�. The honorary Director of ICSSR-NERC, Shillong Prof. Dr. Bhagirathi Panda, who is the Professor in the Department of Economics NEHU was the Chief Guest for the inaugural function of the seminar. He delivered a fruitful and thoughtful key note address covering the main and other important sub-themes of the national seminar.
A total of 120 students from HS classes and BA/B.Sc. classes have participated in the awareness programme. The programme was sponsored by Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Guwahati and supported by CGIC, BPCC. Inspite of heavy network issues students were interested to join in the program.
The CGIC of BPCC has organised the orientation programme, session 2021-2022 for all the newly admitted students of BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st semester classes on dated 28/10/2021. The programme was held at Hall No. 4 after the class timings in the afternoon hours. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. B.B. Panda, Principal of BPCC. Mr. S.C. Thakuria, respected President of the governing body of the college was also present as guest of honour.
The CGIC of BPCC has organised the orientation programme, session 2021-2022 for all the newly admitted students of HS 1st year classes (both for Arts and Science stream) on 27/10/2021. The programme was held at Hall No. 4. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. S. C. Thakuria, respected President of the governing body of the college. Objective of the programme was explained by Dr. Trailokya Deka, Counselling Officer of the centre. Dr. B. B. Panda, Principal of the college, Dr. D. Chakravarty, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Mr. Amzad Hussain, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education and Miss. Ruby Baishya, Librarian of the college were present in the programme and delivered fruitful lectures for the greater benefit of the students.
The Career Guidance and Information Centre organized TET Coaching from 27/09/2021 to 08/10/2021. 35 students participated in the program.
The programme was chaired by Dr. B. B. Panda, Principal of the college and also delivered the inaugural speech. Objective of the programme was stated by Mr. A. Jabbar, CGIC. Mr. Amlan Jyoti Kalita, Co-founder, AARTH international and Mr. Mrinal Kalita, Co-founder, M/s KBQUBE were the resource persons for the programme. Both the resource persons have explained the scope of entrepreneurship development in different aspects in the rural areas of the state. Majority of the teachers and students of the college were present in the programme.
: Immediately after the beginning of Mr. A. Jabbar, Dr. B.B. Panda has delivered the welcome address. Sir Panda explained all the rule regulations that students as a whole need to follow in and outside the college campus. Besides the newly admitted students, majority of the teachers of the college were present in the programme. Students’ queries were answered by the principal and other CGIC members. Finally, the meeting was ended with vote of thanks delivered by A. Jabbar
Orientation programme for all the newly admitted students of HS 1st year (Arts and Science) was held on 10th August 2018 at Hall No.4. Principal Dr. B.B. Panda explained all rule the regulations of the institution. Few senior teachers of the college were also spoken on the occasion. Students were asked to provide feedback and accordingly found positives about the institution. Mr. A. Jabbar finally offered vote of thanks and asked students to visit the office of CGIC to access the available resources.
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st Semester Students
Orientation Programme, 2024-2025 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st semester
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st Semester Students
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st Semester Students
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st Semester Students
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for BA, B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st Semester Students
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for HS (Arts, Science Students)
Orientation Programme 2024-25 for HS (Arts, Science Students)
Orientation Programme, 2024-2025 for HS 1st year Arts and Science
Signature sheet of TET Coaching Participants
The Assam Tribune publication regarding the book release function of CGIC
The Convener of CGIC during a presentation with faculty members and students
The inaugural function of TET Coaching Programme Organised by CGIC
Meeting with the Principal Dr. K. C. Pathak
The Assam Tribune publication regarding the book release function of CGIC
Invited Papers for the ICSSR sponsored National Seminar through 'The Assam Tribune'
The Office Room of CGIC
The book release function of CGIC
On the day of Book Release Function of CGIC
E-Book, the output of All Assam Inter-College (UG Level) Success Story Writing Competition
Edited Book with ISBN published from New Delhi. The output of the ICSSR sponsored National Seminar held in June 2022
TET Coaching Class
TET Coaching Class
Preparation of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar
The first meeting of the present Cell
In a meeting of CGIC
Preparation of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar
ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar
Orientation Programme
Orientation Programme
Regular Career Discussion
All Assam Inter College Under Graduate (UG) Level Success Story Writing Competition